For Better or Worse
Well...its been 2 months almost now since my husband has been put in jail. I have stood by him through it all, and will continue to do so. He is doing okay, he sends his love to his Mom-Kim...and of course to me and his kids. As for Big Dan, his dad, not once has he visited Daniel OR offered to send ME any money to kinda help him in commissary. I know that Daniel is a big boy now, hes married, but I feel that with Dan its "outta sight, outta mind" when it comes to Daniel. AND that NO MATTER how old, or what your child does, I feel with all of my heart that parents should have that UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. I know that my mom does...and it hurts Daniel that his dad acts like he doesnt even care. ANd it hurts me too to think the same thing. BUT...I dont think its Dan's obligation to help US...but it would be nice if he at least offered like he did when me and Daniel dated. Its VERY HARD on me to raise 2 kids, take care of myself, help Daniel and pay bills on a $5.50/30 hours a week paycheck. BUT I AM DOING IT....I do without ALOT...but my kids NEVER do...I guess that is life. I am not wanting pity, just for someone to understand...I know that Daniel put himself in jail...but I love him and will stand by him.
On a better note..the girls are good...Shaina and Taylor are BOTH in the High school play OZ....I cant wait to see the performance....I am gonna take some pics if I can. They are my life....Tay will be 6 on the 29th of this month...and then Shaina will be 16 in July. BOY...they are growing up fast.
I just wanted to vent...and let anyone and everyone know that we are making it....
On a better note..the girls are good...Shaina and Taylor are BOTH in the High school play OZ....I cant wait to see the performance....I am gonna take some pics if I can. They are my life....Tay will be 6 on the 29th of this month...and then Shaina will be 16 in July. BOY...they are growing up fast.
I just wanted to vent...and let anyone and everyone know that we are making it....
At May 6, 2005 at 2:42 PM,
The one and only Tree said…
You are an amazing woman. Stay strong and take good care of those kiddos.
Just dropping by, but your blog touched me so I had to leave a comment.
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