Patiently waiting...
Just to let those who read my blog...Daniel got his "timesheet" y-day...and the news is bad, and good at the same time. His parole was deferred for 6 he has till 10-12-05 and then the parole board will make another decision...he is thinking that after that 6 month deferrment...then he will be paroled out. I am hoping and praying..that he will be home by Christmas or the new year. It is been really hard on him and me both...heck we are married, and havent gotten to spend anytime together except "behind the glass"..and that will do us for now. The people at the jail are really nice to us both, which is great...heck, I am gonna apply for the guard job there when they start hiring....:)...I have wanted to do that for a long time who knows...